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time-saving DIGITAL tool for cost-conscious businesses.

Quick, easy, and cost-effective: With tele-LOOK, handicraft businesses, customer services, assembly companies and many others now come by a digital tool that lets them identify customer problems and discuss specific measures via a visual tele-DIALOG. And getting a personal on-site impression of each request can be a thing of the past. Right from the first contact, tele-LOOK lets you get a detailed understanding of the problem via real-time video. Contact is established offhand with any customer or employee. iPhone users are automatically forwarded to the installation of a mini app. The customer receives a text message with a link to their smartphone. One tap of the finger establishes the video call that lets them connect to their call partner in the office via video stream. This way, the camera at the back of the customer’s smartphone gives the employee in the office a real audiovisual view of the on-site situation. In the process, the craftsman guides his call partner with the tele-POINT. All are automatically logged with timestamp in a cloud-based folder. Authorized third persons can view the electronic folder that contains all communication elements. Thanks to its impartial communication, tele-LOOK also helps to simplify and speed up internal communication processes and decision-making.

tele-LOOK is ready to use – no investment necessary: Just install our app and register for free.